No Longer Asleep

As i lie here and watch you sleep I contemplate my own selfishness. My need for you at this moment is strong but your need for sleep is stronger. I fantasize and wish that you were awake... awake to kiss me, hold me and caress me as only you can. You smile in your sleep and i smile to myself wondering what things could bring about such a sexy smile in your mind. As if reading my thoughts you reach for me. I moan in response as your hands lightly graze already hardened nipples. Liking my response you reposition yourself to have more access. No longer asleep, i contemplate my own selfishness, knowing you have to be up in a few hours, knowing that if we start this it will take a few hours. You sigh in appreciation as you touch my most sensitive spot and find it wet to your liking. Pull me in close to kiss you, hold me tightly as you inhale my scent. As you bring me closer to no control i languidly close my eyes and yours begin to open. No longer asleep i question my own selfishness becasue my need is strong. You put me over the edge and slep is inevitable. I glance a the clock and see that my selfishness has made you late for your daily routine. I succomb to sleep as only an insomniac could as you are wide awake, satisfied and unselfish with your love for me... No longer asleep
yall teasin each other ;-)lol ...i like this
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